/BCO-DMO/CRD_FLUZiE/poc_pon --cast eq 53-- Level 1

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#  POC and PON Concentrations & Stable Isotope Abundances
#  PI: Michael Landry (UCSD-SIO)
#  Contact: Moira Decima (UCSD-SIO)
#  Version: 10 June 2014
event  cast  cycle     date_local  lat       lon        
662    53    Cycle_3   07122010    10.03940  -92.91743  
depth  niskin  POC      PON      d13C     d15N     
2      22      151.36   30.17    -21.50   6.04     
12     19      143.18   29.34    -21.40   5.33     
20     16      164.68   34.01    -22.84   4.43     
30     13      86.45    17.45    -26.05   4.91     
45     10      52.35    10.86    -25.51   1.11     
60     7       31.91    5.77     -25.61   5.44     
80     4       44.05    6.76     -25.38   7.35     
100    1       25.55    4.03     -24.30   4.96